Grilled Herb Lobster Surf n Turf with Lemon Garlic Brown Butter

Grilled Herb Lobster Surf n Turf with Lemon Garlic Brown Butter
Grilled Herb Lobster Surf n Turf with Lemon Garlic Brown Butter
It's lobster season here in Newfoundland and while living in the middle of the cold North Atlantic has its challenges, having access to some of the best seafood in the world is delicious compensation. We are definitely a province of lobster purists here on these rocky shores with the vast majority of the succulent sea bed crawlers being simply boiled and hungrily consumed. Spouse tells me that her family didn't even stop to dunk the juicy morsels in butter!

One of my favorite ways to enjoy this former poor man's food is to split and grill the lobster to quickly impart just a tinge of smoky flavor to it. I even throw a few water soaked pecan or apple wood chips on the barbeque flame for the few minutes that they are grilling. On this occasion, not wanting to choose between seafood and beef, I decided to throw on a beautiful thick Alberta prime rib steak, grilled to medium are and brushed with the same brown butter as the lobster.  The butter also got brushed on some good crusty bread and grilled. Grilled lemons to squeeze over the lobster and steak added a final flavor flourish to this sensational summer meal. If on the coming weekend, you are eating better than this, set another place at the table because I'm coming to your house!

Grilled Herb Lobster Surf n Turf with Lemon Garlic Brown Butter
Grilled Herb Lobster Surf n Turf with Lemon Garlic Brown Butter

Lemon Garlic Brown Butter
  • 1 cup butter
  • 2 cloves finely minced garlic
  • pinch white pepper
  • juice of one lemon
In a small pot over medium heat, heat the  butter until it begins to bubble then watch it very carefully for a few minutes until it begins to turn a light golden brown. Remove from the heat and allow to sit for a minute or two before decanting the brown butter off of the browned milk solids in the bottom of the pan.

Pour the decanted hot butter over the minced garlic and whisk in the lemon juice. Besure to stir the butter each time before spooning it to serve.

Lemon Herb Steak
  • juice and zest of half a lemon
  • salt and pepper to season
  • 1 tbsp chopped oregano
  • 1 tbsp chopped chives
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 12 -16 ounce prime rib steak (about 1 inch thick)
Mix together the lemon, zest, salt, pepper, herbs and oil and pour over the steak. Marinate for a half hour at room temperature before grilling to your desired internal temperature, about 3 1/2 minutes per side over high heat for medium rare. In the last minute or so of cooking baste the steak on both sides with the Lemon Garlic Brown Butter turning several times. Let the steak rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving with the lobster.

Grilled Lobster

  • Approximately 1 1/2 pound lobster/s

Bring a large pot of water to a vigorous boil and par boil the lobster/s for 5 to 7 minutes, depending on size. Remove from the water and quickly plunge them into a large bowl of ice water to stop the cooking action. After a few minutes, split the lobster straight down the middle with a sharp knife. Clean everything but the meat out of the shells.

Brush the lobster meat with the Lemon Garlic Brown butter and grill for 5 minutes, meat side down on a medium hot grill. Turn over and fill the cavity with:
  • chopped fresh herbs ( dill, tarragon, oregano and chives all work well)

Brush on more of the Lemon Garlic Brown Butter (At this point you can crack the claws and brush them with the butter as well if you like, then replace the shell). Close the grill cover and cook for an additional 5 to 7 minutes. Serve with the Lemon Garlic Brown Butter to dunk the lobster in and grilled lemon halves to squeeze over both the steak and the lobster.

Grilled Herb Lobster Surf n Turf with Lemon Garlic Brown Butter
