Amaretto Peach Sorbet

Amaretto Peach Sorbet
Amaretto Peach Sorbet
Good morning from Georgia. I'm in beautiful Savannah this morning and since I am in the Peach State what better recipe to feature than this beautiful, fresh and flavorful sorbet. Fresh, ripe, juicy peaches are essential for this recipe; it really is one to make with the best of the season's fruit while it is at it's absolute peak. It's not hard to find a roadside stand in this area with plenty for sale but even back home in Canada right now, some beautiful Niagara region peaches will certainly fit the bill nicely.

I do not bother to peal the peaches for the puree that forms the basis of this dessert, instead I just wash the peaches, leaving the skins to add color to the sorbet. Amaretto is a fantastic flavor complement to stone fruits like apricots, nectarines and most certainly peaches. Since a sorbet need a little alcohol to keep it from freezing solid, I thought why not use one that adds a little extra flavor to the party. The result was perfect. This would make a wonderful dessert at a special summer dinner or even a fancy dinner party.
  • 2 pounds fresh, very ripe peaches
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 3 ounces Amaretto liqueur
  • 1 egg white, lightly whisked
Begin by bringing the sugar and water to a slow simmer for about 5 minutes. Allow the syrup to cool completely.

Wash and pit the peaches leaving the skins on and puree them in a food processor or blender until very smooth. Add the cooled sugar syrup, Amaretto and vanilla; cover and chill until very cold before pouring into an ice-cream maker and letting it turn for 15-20 minutes until it freezes to a thick slushy consistency. In the last few minutes in the ice cream maker add the egg white. Transfer to an airtight container and keep in the freezer to harden until ready to serve. You may find that you need to take it out of the freezer for 10 minutes or so to scoop it before serving if your freezer is very cold.